EXAM > Student > FAQ

Why cant I find the correct exam?

Make sure your teacher has made the exam available in the EXAM.

Is the Moodle exam the same as the one in EXAM?

No. The Moodle exam is only available in Moodle. The systems are not linked in any way.

Can I do the exam whenever I want?

Your teacher has assigned a time windows in which the exam can be
completed. By making a reservation for the examination room during the
time window you can carry out the exam.

Can I complete the exam on any computer in the examination room?

No. You can only open the exam on the designated computer you are
given when making a reservation. The exam computers are numbered and a
number will be randomly given to you in the reservation confirmation

When will the exam be graded?

Your teacher will grade the exam within a predetermined time window.

Can I complete the exam in a different UAS?

Yes, read more about EXAM visits and universities, where you can take exam : e-exam.fi/in-english