Bachelor’s degree

Study guide and timetables

Enrolment for the academic year

  • According to Finnish legislation every degree student is required to enroll for the next academic year as present or absent.
  • For the first study year you can accept the study place and enroll electronically on My Studyinfo -service, if you have Finnish electronic banking password, Finnish electronic ID-card or mobile certificate. Enrolment has to be done by the date and time given you in the notification of admission.
  • In case you can´t enroll electronically or can´t accept the study place, please contact Admissions Office by email:
  • For the second study year and later study years you will enroll according to the instructions sent to you by e-mail when the enrolment period starts.

Registration for studies and cancellation of registration

  • You register for studies in Loki or Tuudo mobile application.
  • While the registration period is still open, you can unregister yourself.

Study councelling

The implementation of the teaching

  • The implementation of the teaching is described in the Study Guide with the implementation plan of the curriculum.

Access and SAMK-ID

  • When you start studying, you will receive a username (=SAMK-ID) and a password.
  • To activate your SAMK-ID, you need online banking IDs, an electronic ID card OR a mobile certificate.
  • Instructions how to activate your SAMK-ID.
  • You need your SAMK-ID to log in to SAMK’s network and systems, e.g. Moodle, Loki, Exam and Tuudo.
  • When you are logging to your SAMK email (M365), you will use you email address and SAMK-ID password.

Learning materials and e-learning environments

Practical training

Thesis and graduation