What is Wihi and what do I do with it?
- Wihi is a system made for thesis management where future theses will be instructed. Both the advisor(s) and student will communicate and advance the thesis through the whole thesis process in Wihi.
Who will use Wihi?
- All the degree programs with the new 5+5+5 cr (Bachelor) or 10+10+10 cr (Master) structure.
- Exceptions:
- Bachelors with the old 4+4+2+5 cr structure.
- Masters with the old 5+5+5+15 cr structure.
- Exceptions:
What do I do in Wihi?
- The thesis will be managed through Wihi. Both the student and the advisor work on the thesis through Wihi from the beginning of the process until the end. As the advisor you will communicate with the student using Wihi. It will be the platform for thesis management and guidance.
- You can add secondary advisors and inspectors to the work. Secondary advisors work just like normal advisors and can participate in the thesis work. Inspectors only take part in the evaluation of the thesis.
Where can I find Wihi?
- Wihi can be found at https://samk.wihi.fi. There is a language switcher on the upper right corner of the page after login.
How do I start using Wihi?
- After you have been assigned a student and he/she has agreed with you about the topic and starting the thesis process, tell the student to create a topic proposal with the information at hand about the topic in Wihi.
- If the student has done the thesis plan beforehand (in a course like Research Methods) he/she will have more detailed information to input into the proposal.
- If the student has not yet done the thesis plan, he/she will input whatever information he/she has about the thesis topic and proceed to work on the thesis plan in Wihi.
- When the thesis proposal has been done you will inform your team lead after which the topic will be accepted by him/her, and you will be attached to the thesis in Wihi.
- If you can’t reach your team lead but the beginning of the thesis has already been agreed on you can send a message about the approval to another person with coordinators access (f. ex. Wihi admins).
- The student can access the thesis workspace after the thesis proposal has been accepted but with limited functionality without the advisor.
- The student can edit the information on his/her topic proposal until the last thesis phase (3/3), so the student can update and clarify information later if he/she doesn’t know something when initially having created the topic proposal.
Anything else I should know?
- Even though the thesis progression has moved to Wihi we still follow the proper thesis etiquette as stated here: https://www.samk.fi/en/thesis-instructions/
- The student will automatically get accepted grades to his/her personal study plan of the thesis when advancing in Wihi through the actual thesis work phases. Exceptions are the Masters theses which are not automatically graded until 31.07.2022.
- Only the owner of messages and files in a still active phase can delete them. Once the phase has been accepted and you move to the next one the information in the previous phase will be locked.
- Check the email settings on the upper-right corner below your name to choose when you want to get notification emails from the system (by default, every time the student does anything!).
- The student will upload the final version of the thesis in the last work phase (Thesis 3/3) to plagiarism checking service before getting the final evaluation. The advisor of course needs to accept the result of the plagiarism check before evaluation can be given.
- Before the evaluation can be accepted in the phase “Thesis 3/3” the work needs to:
- Be plagiarism checked and approved by the advisor.
- Be evaluated by all evaluators of the thesis
- You can attach anyone as a secondary advisor or inspector to the thesis.
- Bachelors theses don't need any additional evaluators.
- In the end once the thesis has been evaluated the student has to upload the thesis to the national archive Theseus.
- From Theseus the student will get a permanent address for his/her thesis (format http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:..), which has to be updated to Wihi by him/her, which will then by turn update the final grade to his/her PSP in Loki.
Where can I find more information on Wihi?
- This site is the most up-to-date place for Wihi guides.
- eSAMK Support has a Youtube-channel where you can find short videos on all the education systems of SAMK, including Wihi: https://www.youtube.com/user/SAMKSoleHOPS
Can you give an example of the thesis process?
- The student creates a topic proposal.
- Team lead or another person with coordinators role accepts the proposal and attaches you into the thesis workspace.
- After you have been attached to the thesis the student will get full functionality of the workspace:
- The student saves the thesis agreement and plan to Wihi in this phase.
- The student arranges a kick-off meeting for the thesis with the advisor.
- If needed, tell the student to update and correct his/her topic information given in topic proposal.
- In the phase ”Thesis 1/3” and “Thesis 2/3” the student will advance the thesis with your support.
- When going through phases 1/3 to 2/3 and 2/3 to 3/3 the student will get an accepted grade to his/her PSP in Loki.
- Additionally, you will arrange a halfway meeting with you’re the student during the phase “Thesis 2/3”.
- After arriving at phase ”Thesis 3/3” the student will finalize his/her work and you will arrange the final meeting and maturity exam. The student will upload the final version of his/her thesis to the plagiarism check before being graded by you.
- After the thesis has been evaluated and you have advanced to the last phase called “Entry of thesis grade into registry” the student will take the final, evaluated version of his/her thesis to Theseus and bring the URN-link of the thesis back to Wihi.
- When the link has been confirmed by you the thesis process will be concluded successfully and the student can now download the evaluation statement from Wihi.
Other things to know
- The student is the only one who can send files to Urkund in Wihi’s thesis phase 3/3.
- The thesis agreement and plan are uploaded to Wihi for only archiving purposes. It will be held there for one year. The advisor still needs to deliver them to the campus office for TWeb archiving as well.
- Wihi does not upload anything to Theseus. The student takes his/her work to Theseus like we have done before at SAMK and only needs to bring the URN-link to Wihi from there.
- The student doesn’t need and shouldn’t to enroll to thesis realization in Loki is he/she is doing the thesis in Wihi because Wihi automatically does this to Loki. Exceptions are the Masters theses which are not automatically graded until 31.07.2022.
- If the student has already enrolled to a thesis course before going to Wihi, the system will still grade the course regardless of the previous enrolled realization. When this happens the student will have the grade in his/her PSP but will appear as ungraded in the realization of the same course.
- The coordinator receives notifications from Wihi based on the notifications settings he/she has setup.
- Thesis course realization are still needed for resources but student need not enroll to these realization anymore (leave the enrollment period blank).
- Wihi guides will be updated on a regular basis to this site. You can see if changes have been made from the front page.