Moodle > Moodle4 > Course ReUse

In Moodle 4x, it is possible to restore a backup of the Moodle 3x course. Contact eSAMK Support if you need help with creating a backup.

In Moodle 4x, the backup tools can now be found under the ’More’ menu in the course.

From the More menu select ’Course reuse’

The ’Import’ tool only allows content to be imported from within Moodle4x, so the ’Restore’ option should be selected to allow a copy of the file to be restored.

In the top left menu, change the tool to ’Restore’.

Drag the file to be restored, downloaded from Moodle3x, into the indicated field and click on ’Restore’.

Drag the backup package downloaded from Moodle3x to the indicated field and click ’Restore’.